All gyms, 1 class at 9am.
Home WOD
“Death by Burpee”
With a continuously running clock perform 1 burpee the first minute, 2 burpees the second minute and so on, until you are not able to complete the required number of burpees in the minute.
Post times to the facebook group athlete forum or in comments here. If you’re not a member of the athlete forum, friend your coach on Facebook and we will add you! (Yes, we know your “sick.” Who does burpees at home alone without AC? We do.) Photo cred: @garavsmurphy
#CrossFitA1A #CrossFit305 #StirlingRoadCrossFit #WorldsBestGyms #HurricanesDontStopFitness #CantStopFitness #CrossFit #Community #Miami #MiamiBeach #FortLauderdale #Fitness #FitFam #InstaFit #FitnessPhoto #Kettlebell #Metcon #HomeWOD #Abs #Biceps #CrossFitEverywhere #BurpeesSuck #EspeciallyAtHomeSolo #DoThemAnyways #BurpeesAreGoodForYou #HurricaneMatthew #StaySafeEveryone