
CrossFit Kids starts at CrossFit A1A Monday January 30th!

6-9 year olds: 3:30-4:15pm
10-13 year olds: 4:15-5pm

First week free!

CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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Pressing warmup (No Measure)

3 rounds

200m row

5 walkout w/ push-up*

10 supermans (back extensions)

15 mt climbers(2 count)

*start standing, walk hands out to plank, perform a push up, walk hands back to standing

Push Press (5 x8)

Empty Bar-50-55-60-65%

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes, alternate a Push Press set with a set of 10 KB side bends/side. Press at 0:00, Side bends at 1:30, Press at 3:00, Side Bends at 4:30, etc.

RDS (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

200m Meter Run or Row

8 Ring Dips*

20 Butterfly Situps

*RX+ 4 ring muscle ups

Wiseman Supplement 3 (No Measure)

2 sets of:

1 minute Lizard pose

30 second downward dog to switch sides