CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - X-COMPETEView Public WhiteboardA. CONDITIONINGMetcon (Time)5k Row @ 75% Effort -Rest Equal Time- 5k Row @ 75% EffortB. 60:00 GPPWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)Junkyard Dog Warm Up... Grab a partner for this one and have...
31 on 31
CrossFit 262 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 Rounds: 10 Calorie Row 10 Powerball Shots (light) 10 Medball Squats (light) 10 Tic-Toc SwingsMetcon31 by 31 (Time)3 Rounds for time*: 31 Calorie Row 31 Burpees 31 Wall Balls (20/14) 31 Toes to...
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - X-30View Public WhiteboardWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)AMRAP x 5:00 (or 2 rounds) 100m Jog 8 Glute Bridge-ups w/toes up 4/4 Spiderman Lunge :30 Row 8 Straight Leg Sit-ups 4/4 Single Arm Ring RowsWorkoutMetcon (Time)EMOM x 16...
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - The 305 WorkoutView Public WhiteboardWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 ROUNDS 1:00 Row (Easy → Mod → Hard) 10 Groiners → 10 Kang Squats → 10 Tempo Squats (22X1)StrengthFront Squat (7-7-7-7)7-7-7-7 Front Squat -Rest 2:00 b/t...
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - X-BURNView Public WhiteboardWorkoutMetcon (No Measure)3 Rounds 1:30 Stations :30 Rest b/t Stations No Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 20 KB Swing then... Max Wall Balls STATION 2 Easy Pace Row STATION 3 20 Wall Balls then... Max KB...
Thursday – REST DAY
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - X-COMPETEView Public Whiteboard
CrossFit 262 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)2:00 any machine, then circle up with a PVC pipe for Olympic Lifting warm up with coach.StrengthSnatch (15 Minutes to Build)Clean and Jerk (15 Minutes to Build)Optional FinisherMetcon (AMRAP -...
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)PUMP THE JAMS! AMRAP X 8 MINUTES 8/6 Cal Row 8 Light KB Russian Swing 8 Light KB Hang Snatch 4/4 Lunge w/ KB overhead 8...
CrossFit 262 - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upStrengthPush Press (3 - 3 - 3+ @ 65%, 75%, 85%)MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps):40 on, :20 off Alternating through the following 4 times: Row for Calories Box Jump Overs (24/20) Burpees Single Arm DB Push...
CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 - X-COMPETEView Public WhiteboardA. CONDITIONINGMetcon (Time)4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 200m Run 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 7 Ring Muscle-Ups 35' HS Walk* *Estimate 5' sections and follow Open standards.B. 60:00 GPPWarm-upWarm-up (No...