
“Give a Gift. Get a Lift.” Sounds like a plan to us! This year’s service event, Naughty or Nice, benefits local children in need. Bring a toy, take part in an awesome WOD and spread a little extra holiday happiness.
Get all the details and get registered at

Free Friend Friday Holiday Edition is almost upon us! Give a friend the gift of fitness FREE at any class all day!

CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)


1. Down and “Finish”

2. Elbows High and Outside

3. Muscle Snatch

4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″

5. Snatch Drops


1. Snatch Push Press

2. Overhead Squat

3. Heaving Snatch Balance

4. Snatch Balance without a dip

5. Snatch Balance with a dip

Spend time on the Power Clean & Split Jerk today as well. Do all of this with PVC, before any weight is applied. You are not in a hurry. Practice and master with no weight before adding light weight. Only go heavy if form is perfect. LISTEN TO YOUR COACH!

EMOM 13 (AMRAP – Reps)

20 Minutes:

Minute 1: 2 Snatch

Minute 2: 40 Double Unders

Minute 3: 2 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Minute 4: Max over the bar Burpees to 30 seconds

Use 1 bar. You may increase or decrease load as you wish. In order for your burpees to count toward your score, you must make all lifts + complete all double unders in that round before each minute is up. Score is heaviest snatch + heaviest clean & jerk complex + burpees. Clips must be on the bar in order for any lift to count. FORM BEFORE LOAD, ALWAYS.
Cardio alternate:

Minute 1: Bike Calories

Minute 3: Row Calories

Abdominal Supplement 61 (No Measure)

200 Russian Twists AHAP

200 Flutter Kicks

100 side plank hip bridges per side

Partition reps as needed.