Thanks to CF Threshold for coming out in force and representing well. We will see you next Saturday.

Advanced WOD:
Alex 16:17 Rx
Zach 16:41 Rx
Chris 18:17 Rx
Adriana 12:28 (blue/95#)
Garfield DNF
Karina2-17:08 (blue/knee push up/105#)
Maria-18:42 (105#)
Albert-14:50 (155#/chin over bar)
Andrew-18:12 (135#/chin over bar)
Brian-19:58 Rx
Drew-16:45 Rx
Greg-22:17 Rx
Fern-21:26 (185#/chin over bar)
Steve-26:28(chin over bar)
Adam-16:45 Rx
Mayron-20:36 (155#/chin over bar)
Kevin-21:40 (chin over bar)
Elisha-16:25 (135#)
Danny-20:28 Rx
Karina1-19:27 (Red band)
Joe D-17:51 Rx
Silvana-17:05 (85#/green band)
D0minic-25:22 (green)


Three rounds for time of:
Deadlift 225/155
x15 (show 8 fingers after each rep)
20 Push Ups
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters
20 minute time limit.

Three Rounds for time of:
30 Air Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
Run 200 Meters
20 minute time limit.

Bonus round:
Three minutes max reps muscle ups (bar or rings)

Standards will be strict and will be judged by a CrossFit certified coach. You may pre register for your heat by e-mailing us or you may simply show up. All participants must sign a waiver. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by a legal guardian. Please bring water, food and a towel to wipe yourself up off of the floor. All equipment will be provided, T-shirts will be available and a good time is mandatory. See you there!

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:

  • HERE is what the Miami New Times has to say about the event…