Fran…from Crossfit
might wanna turn the volume down
21 Thrusters 95 lb
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters 95 lb
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 95 lb
9 Pull Ups
Get there however you can.
Pete set the bar with a smart effort, breaking the larger sets into smaller sets like 7/7/7, setting an awesome first time mark of 7:04. I followed suit, breaking them into larger sets of 11/10, 8/7, 5/4.
Hit 6:05, would’ve broke 6:00 but I locked out and lost rhythm on the very last pull up.
That’s okay, previous PR was 13:38, dropped to 8:57 last time, and now 6:05. I’ll take it. Goal is four minutes.
Later, after lunch and a hardware run to get sand…
5 standing wheel rollouts
20 Russian Twists with 25 lb ball
12 back extensions
6 side bends to each side w/ 80 lb. dumbbell
100 bicylce crunches
repeat circuit x3
and then, after a little rest
10 miles on the bike.
26:31, average speed 22.5 mph, focusing on a cadence of more than 100 at all times.
A good Saturday.