Dan pulls on 275 during the Suicide run/Deadlift WOD at the Dirty South Qualifier
Dirty South WOD #4
‘The Decider’
1000 Meter Run
25 OHS (135lb. Men) (95lb. Women)
100 Meter Run
50 Kettlebell Swings (53lb. Men) (35lb. Women)
100 Meter Run
25 Burpees
200 Meter Run
Hey Dan,
It was such a pleasure meeting you this weekend. I’m happy that we all got to meet each other in person. We’re planning a dinner meeting with I AM CROSSFIT to try to plan and organize an event or mini competition. Let me know what days or times your available. Great job this weekend. Can’t wait for next year. Give me a call anytime. 305 546 7368.
Chris Holt
22:48 – hurting and slow!!!
that sucked after two weeks of coughing. 16:47. Oxygen deprivation is the worst.