CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

8 Min. Bodyweight Flow

-400m run/row/jog/bike buy-in


10 Jumping Jacks

5 Pushups to Down Dog

:20 Pigeon Per Side

:20 Lizard Per Side

5 Wide Leg Squats

5 Medium Leg Squats

5 Narrow Leg Squats


Back Squat (3-2-1-3-2)


Wave 1: 80×3 – 85×2 – 90×1

Wave 2: 80×3 – 85×2

-Home Version-

Tabata Bottom-to-bottom squats.

:20 on, :10 off air squats for 8 rounds. During the 10 second rest, you sit in the bottom of the squat.


2020 Age Group Qualifier Workout 1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

6 Minute AMRAP

8 Thrusters (115/83)

50 Double Unders
Go hard!!!!!!!!!!! LET’S GO!!!!!! CROSSFIT!!!!

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

–At Home Version–

6 Minute AMRAP

8 Burpees w/ a HIGH JUMP

50 line hops (hop laterally over a line back and forth).
If you go super hard on this, it’ll do the trick 🙂