CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Pick It Up!!! (Time)

WOD DEmo & Scaling Options

-Warm Up

:30 high knees

:30 butt kickers

:30 jumping jacks

:30 prisoner jacks

:30 toy soldiers

x 2


Light deadlift x 10

Light medium deadlift x 10

(if you only have one weight, slow it down on the way down!)




Sumo Deadlift 20-20-20

As heavy as possible understanding that you have to add weight over the next few weeks if possible, rest 90 seconds between sets. HEAVIER THAN LAST WEEK.

Deadlift can be barbell, Heavy Kettlebell, Stone, Log, etc.

if you’re going lighter, do a sumo deadlift with great form. Even with no weight, when done correctly this is a great hamstring and glute movement.

IF YOU NEED LESS REST plank between sets.


T”iger Blood Plus”

5 Rounds

Run 200*

10 Clean & Jerks**

*or Row 250 or 100 Double Unders or 100 high knees or 100 prisoner jacks (CARDIO!!!)

**Use a Barbell or 2 dumbbells or 1 dumbbell or a kettlebell or a sandbag or a log


6 minute AMRAP – get busy!

50 Flutter Kicks, 1 count

10 Side Plank Hip Raises Per Side