CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Warm it on up (No Measure)

1 minute couch /side

1 min pigeon /side

1 min deep squat hold

50 jumping jacks

10 air squats

10 deadlifts PVC or empty bar

10 hang power clean

10 thrusters

10 overhead squats

10 knees to chest

10 abmat sit ups

10 push ups

10 strict pull ups -or- bar in rack/feet on floor assisted pull ups

If you’re signed up for The Open please do the class warm up and then prepare yourself and work with your coach.

🌮 🐱TACOCAT 🐱 🌮 (Time)

Thrusters, 20 reps (75/53)

Abmat sit ups, 20 reps

Clean, Hang Power, 20 reps

Overhead Squats, 20 reps

Cindy, 2 Rounds

Abmat sit ups, 20 reps

Toes to Bar, 20 reps

Rest 2 Minutes

Toes to Bar, 20 reps

Abmat Sit Ups, 20 Reps

Cindy, 2 Rounds

Overhead Squats, 20 reps

Clean, Hang Power, 20 reps

Abmat Sit Ups, 20 reps

Thrusters, 20 reps

Rx 75/53

20 minute time limit. For each rep you don’t finish add 1 second to 20 minutes.

Good luck. 🍀