Three rounds for points:
185/135 bench press max reps one minute
rest 30 seconds
Row max calories one minute
rest 30 seconds
Knees to elbows max reps one minute
rest 30 seconds
Double Unders max reps one minute
rest 30 seconds
Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:
- Bench Press Basic Setup, Mark Rippetoe from the CrossFit main site.
- Awesome article in the CrossFit Journal on GHD sit-ups (requires subscription).
- Congratulations to Joseph Phelan (5′ 11.5″) for passing his personal training exam this morning.
- Ross Enamait on jumping rope.
One mi walk, 25 bp 95# – 5-5-3-4-3-2-3
55 pushups – 10-10-5-5-5-5-5-10
15 minutes – Concept II rower – 3300 metres
SEE YOU AT CrossFit 305 next Weds, 6/10.
Snatch 65 x5 2 sets
OHSquat 95 x21
Romanian Ring Dips 2 sets of 3
Iron Cross dips from hi box x5
Iron Cross dips w/ blue band x5
Row 500
30 bench press 15@185, 15@155
Row 1000
20 bench press @ 155
Row 2000
10 bench press @ 155
rower ergometer broke somewhere in the 2000. three minute break to fix it, 32:30