CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Partner WOD 4000 (4 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds

P1: Row 250 Meters

P2: Elbows up Goblet Hold 53/35

Rest to 10 minutes


3 Rounds

P1: Chin Over Bar Hold

P2: 21 Goblet Squats

Rest to 20 Minutes


3 Rounds

P1: Plank Hold

P2: 30 Butterfly Sit Ups, touch kettlebell

Rest to 30 minutes, then:

50 synchronized burpees
Each partner completes each movement 3 times for the first three portions. if a partner is unable to maintain any of the static holds, the other partner must stop and wait.

If you MUST do this alone, do the static holds for exactly the amount of time the row, squats or sit ups take.