CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A, Stirling Road CrossFit – CrossFit

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Strict Press (2-2-2-2)


The last set will be very hard. Rest enough to make the set. This is your main set, the most important part of the day. Don’t “save it for the workout”. THIS is the workout.

L-Sit (1-1-1)

On a 2 minute clock, perform 3 max effort L sits. Note your best attempt.

Rx = Legs straight with heels over a 70# kettletbell.


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Three efforts, each for time:

Row 500 meters

100 Double Unders

4 minute time cap

Rest the balance of 6 minutes
If you are unable to do 100 double unders, attempt to do as many as possible until 4 minutes. 1 second penalty for each double under not made.


Supplement 12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

30 Hollow Rocks

Side Plank Powell Raise; 8 per arm

Band Pull Apart x25

Rest 30 seconds between exercsies
Smart people do this.