Friday continued with handstand practice and parallette L-sit practice. Three rounds of 40 second and 20 second holds respectively.

135 x5
205 x3
225 x1
235 x1
Overhead Press
45 x5
95 x5
115 x3
125 x3
135 x1
140 fail
185 x4
205 x3
245 x2
275 fail
275 x1
285 fail


Monday was Squat cleans at 95lb with ring dips for sets 0f 21-15-9. Crossfit’s “Elizabeth”.
Workout is prescribed at 135, but after my last bout with that weight I decided to go lighter and work on form and feel. Still very draining. MetCon drainage.
Got some downloads in (just picked up a ton of 80 & 90’s hip hop albums…taking me back. Good stuff like Jungle Bros., De La, Ice-T, Schooly D, Tribe, BDP, Organized Confusion and on and on..)
…..and then some bath and beauty bar junk.
a.Overhead press
95×6, 95×8, 105×8, 115×6
b.Reverse Fly, Barbell row, db bicep curl
40lb, 115lb, 30 lb x8 each x2 rounds
c.db shrug, lat and front raise, short lat raises, side bicep curl
80lb, 20lb, 15lb, 35lb x8/10/20/8 two rounds

Squat cleans
135, 135, 155, 155 (fail), 135, 135, 135

A little later, did the CFE wod.

4 x 300 meter sprint, 5 minute rests
38, 39, 39, 39

Over head press
115, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135 (fail), 115
Push press
115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 155, 155 (assisted)
Push jerk
95, 115, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125
Went light on the jerks as it was my first real trial with them.
Today I went and voted for ‘that one’. If you want a really good perspective on where the ‘other half’ is on this election, turn on FOX radio and enjoy for the next week. Amazing.
This weekend is our Crossfit certification. We will be shooting video during, so stay posted.