Memorial Day
All gyms, @crossfita1a, @crossfit305, @stirling_road_crossfit, are open 9am-11am. “Murph”
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed.
If you have a 20lb weight vest, wear it.
#MemorialDayMurph #HonorTheFallen #NeverForget #America #CrossFit #Community #CrossFitA1A #CrossFit305 #StirlingRoadCrossFit #Run #Pullup #Pushup #Squat

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