CrossFit 262, CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

Warm Up

3 Rounds:

15 Jumping Jacks

Lateral Duck walk 5 steps each direction *

10 Windshield Wipers**

Duck Walk:

Windshield Wipers:

Skill EMOM 15

Work about 45 seconds in each minute.

1: 1/1 Turkish Get Up

2: Handstand, Wall Walk, Pike Push Ups, Headstand

3: L-Sit, L-Hang, Tuck sit or hang

4: Walk Outs w/ pushup

5: Grok Squat


For Time


Kettlebell Swings

Single Leg V Ups (2 Count)

Every minute (including 0:00) 5 floor touch and HIGH jumps.

You get interrupted by the floor touch and jumps, then right back where you left off on the For Time.

15 Minute Time Cap.


1 Minute Wide Leg Hamstring Stretch

1 Minute Child’s Pose

:30 8 Point Shoulder Stretch per side.