CrossFit 262 – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Minutes Cardio
10 PVC Pass Thrus
10 Hanging Knee Raises
10 PVC Tempo Overhead Squats
10 Supermans
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds not for time:
30 Russian Twists (count every tap. use a heavy plate such as 45/35 lbs)
2 Turkish Get Ups per side (building up in weight)
:20 L sit hang or hold.
5 Pistols per side (assisted if necessary)
Metcon (Time)
9 – 15 – 15 – 9
Power Snatch (75/53)
OHS (75/53)
Toes to Bar
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
9 of each, 15 of each, 15 of each again, 9 of each.

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In October we ran our wildly successful Abstober daily abs program for our members. Now we've compiled every sit up, every V up, every plank, every farmer's carry...every last rep, over 31 days, into one super handy guide. And we're giving it to you for FREE. Follow along with these do-anywhere, infinitely scabale workouts to build a strong core with skulpted abs. Doable for any ability, video demos included.