CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – RELOADED

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Bergeron’s Burners (Time)

5 Rope Climbs

Rest 2:00

4 Rope Climbs

Rest 1:30

4 Rope Climbs

Rest 1:00

3 Rope Climbs

Rest :30

2 Rope Climbs

Rest 2 minutes


Push Press

C2B Pull Ups

Rest 2 minutes

50 burpees 8/7′

SCL = 3:1 B2F, 25/15, Jumping

RX=14′ rope climb, 95/63

RX+ = 14′ Legless, 50/35 DBs, Ring MU

Coaches notes: Stagger start by 2 minutes, partner people on the same rope & have them alternate unless they are able to climb touch & go.

Open participants: 80% effort, focus on breathing and pacing. Dumbbell and pull ups sets should be fast and unbroken. RX+ 1 break maximum on muscle up sets. Scale volume as needed. Burpees should be unbroken and evenly paced.

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