CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Graduated Warm-up (R1 → R2 → R3)
3 ROUNDS (10:00 CAP)
8 Cal Row 65% → 75% → 85%
8 Ring Rows → Scap Pull-ups → Pull-ups
8 Push-ups → HR Push-ups → Burpees
8 Med Ball Deadlift → Med Ball G2OH → Med Ball Lateral Wall Throw
8 Alt. Lunges → Alt. Cossack Squats → Air Squat
:30 Samson Stretch → Bootstrappers → Groiners
Recovery Workout
Plot Lost, Send Help (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
29 Minute AMRAP
Run 800 meters
Burpee Broad Jump – 200′
Run 600 Meters
Weighted Lunge – 200′
Run 400 meters
50 Wall Balls
Run 200 meters
Sled Push 50 meters
BBJ & WL is on a 50′ course.
Out and back 2 times.
Count each meter, foot and rep as a score. You may end up with something like 1 + 1800 if you finish a full round plus the first two runs and the BBJ & WL.
RX – 35/26 KB lunge, 14/10 wall ball, 45×2/25×2 sled
RX+ – 53/35 lunge, 20/14 wall ball, 45×4/25×4
Cool Down
Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 Child’s Pose
2:00 Down Dog Pose