CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m easy Run
3 rounds
2 Wall Walk
5 DB sumo dl high pull
5/5 DB Press
3 Kip Swings
5 push ups
Bench Press ((4-4-4-4-4+))
5-10 lbs heavier than last week
4+ is Last sets max reps unbroken
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 Muscle-Ups or Pull Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups or Push Ups
8 Alt. DB Hang Snatch (Athlete Choice, Heavy)
*DB SNATCHING NATE — Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his son Parker.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)

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