CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit
Front Squat (6 x 3)
Empty Bar, 50-60-70-80-85%
E :90 for 18 minutes, alternate a squat set with a set of 10 Strict Pull Ups. RX+=Strict Chest to Bar. Scale to less reps, 1-2 very hard negatives or inverted bar/ring row.
T2B/WB/Thruster Sprint Triplet (Time)
Toes to Bar
Wall Ball Shots
RX=14/10# 10/9′, 45/33
RX+=20/14# 10/9′, 75/53
RELOADED 14/10# 10/9′, 30/20# DB thruster
This is a sprint. Each set should be unbroken.
Open athletes; this should be a hard but not maximal effort. Focus on smooth movement, unbroken sets & short transition times. This will be your hardest effort of the week until Friday.