THIS Saturday at 8am CST/9am EST we are going to..
BREAK THE INTERNET! with Coach Ruffles!
50+ people will hit a SPICY Saturday session for our
BIGGEST CLASS EVER! Sign up is required! Send an e-mail to or tell your coach in class to reserve.
CrossFit 262, CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit
Laddererer (AMRAP – Rounds)
-Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
10 Air Press & Pull
10 Opposite Ankle Grabbers
10 Touch & Reach
10 Plyo Jumps
10 Air Thrusters
Deadlift up to a weight you can do 16 times
Ladder of:
Push Ups
Do 2 Deadlifts the first minute, 4 deadlifts the second minute, 6 deadlifts the 3rd minute, continuing to add 2 reps each minute until doing 16 reps on the 8th minute
Rest 2 minutes and repeat the same process for Push Ups.
Rest 2 minutes and repeat the same process for Thrusters.
Make push ups harder by slowing them down. Make push ups easier by using a counch or chair for elevation.
Pick a load for deadlift and thrusters that is challenging but allows you to go unbroken. If you only have light weight you can do 3s on deadlifts (3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24)