The Key to NOT Peeing during Double Unders.

The Key to NOT Peeing during Double Unders.

Stop doing Double Unders! Take a seat. What I’m about to say will blow your mind. Well, it’ll at least make you aware of muscles you don’t train regularly, and just might fix a thing or two. Seated? Great! Please make sure it’s a toilet you’re sitting on. Now start to pee. Ok, stop. Now start again. Ok, stop again. Feel that? That’s a Kegel. Don’t keep going. Too many of those during urination can actually lead to problems, but 3 sets of 10 a day can lead to a stronger pelvic floor and maybe even less peeing during double unders!

When should you do them? 
Anytime. Done is better than perfect! You can do these in the car, sitting on the couch, in bed, where ever, when ever. 3 sets of 10 is great, but more is good too. Practice at the pace you’re ‘losing it’ at. Don’t use the bigger muscles (glutes, quads, etc) to do the work. Focus on that ‘pee-stop’ muscle and pulse. Add a few pauses. If it’s double unders, practice at a brisk pace. If it’s 1rm squats, go slow.

Isn’t this just for women? 
Nope. NOT AT ALL! I personally know a group of guys that have gotten (ahem) great results from using these. Lets just say they’re more ‘robust’ now and have an increased ability to do ‘one-more-rep’. All of that blood flow from exercising the pelvic floor creates strength EVERYWHERE.

So, like, results after 2 sessions, right?
Absolutely (NOT)! Just like anything worth under taking, it takes time! It can take weeks or months depending on your pelvic fitness level ( I think I just made that up…what’s your PFL?) Just like anything, if you have questions or you’re not getting what you want talk to your coach and doctor.

Don’t wait, start now. Do it every day. Realize gains now, thank me later. 



#ABSTOBER = 31 Ab routines to use year round! #ABSTOBER 1 is here! 100 single leg v-ups slow and controlled modify as needed #ABSTOBER 2 is here! 3 rounds 50 Russian twist ➕50 flutter kicks modify as needed #ABSTOBER 3 starts NOW! Alternating Tabata 20 hollow hold 10 second rest 20 seconds superman 10 seconds rest 4 rounds, 4 minutes total #ABSTOBER 4 is HERE! 500 reps your choice ✅suggestions in video awesome #ABSTOBER 5 starts NOW! REVERSE Tabata 10 second L-sit hold 20 second rest   8 rounds, 4 minutes total #ABSTOBER 6 ABSHOULDERFEST SUPER SEXY SUPER SECRET SHOULDER SUPER SET ✅3 sets ✅ 10 bent over raise (rear delt) 10 front raises/side (anterior delt) 10 side raises (medial delt) 10 turn out bicep curls 10 triceps kick backs Abs for rest: 10 bench crunches, then 10 more per each side. SLOW, CONTROLLED WITH VERY LIGHT WEIGHT. IT SHOULD BURN, BAD #ABSTOBER 7 starts NOW! 200 plank knee to elbows Use chairs or a wall for elevation ✅ DO IT #ABSTOBER 8 is HERE! 50 single leg strict Toes to bar -OR- 150 single leg v-ups GET IT DONE #ABSTOBER 9 is HERE! tabata Hollow Rock 20 second Rocks 10 second rest   8 rounds, 4 minutes total GET IT DONE #ABSTOBER 10 is Here baby! FloorCore 1 20 second v-hold 10 leg raises   20 Russian twists 40 flutter kicks #ABSTOBER 11 is HERE!!! 600 reps your choice have fun GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 12 starts NOW! 200 sit ups Anchored, butterfly, GHD straight leg, weighted all the same or mix & match GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 13 3 minutes max GHD sit ups rest 1 minute 2 minutes max sit ups if you don’t have a GHD, do weighted sit ups GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 14 starts NOW! 3 rounds 25 sit ups 25 Twists 25 fl. Kicks 25 v-ups ✅ GET IT DONE #ABSTOBER 15 starts NOW! reverse Tabata L-Sit hold 10 second hold 20 second rest 8 rounds get it done ✅ #ABSTOBER 16 is HERE! 20 second tension plank 10 side plank raises/side VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW THESE GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 17 starts NOW! 50-40-30-20-10 Sit Ups Supermans YESSSSS!!! GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 18 starts NOW! 50 flutter kicks 25 toe touches 25 scissor kicks YESSSSS!!! 700 reps! GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 18 starts NOW! 10 wiper complexes -Or- 25 floor wiper complexes YESSSSS!!! GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 20 starts NOW! 25 abwheel rollouts GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 21 is HERE NOW! 2 Rounds 21 Strict toes to bar -or- V-ups ‍21 alternating SL V-Ups GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 22 is NOW! 4 rounds for quality of: ‍22 Rotational push up plank K2E 22 Elbow plank kick backs GET IT DONE #ABSTOBER 23 YO!!! 3 Rounds 23 Hanging top-half knee raises 23 flutter kicks, 2 count GET IT DONE ✅ #ABSTOBER 24 BOOM 2 Rounds ⚠️24 weighted sit ups 24 Elbow to push up plank 24 weighted supermans ✅GET IT DONE #ABSTOBER 25 WOOOOO -Ric Flair 3 Rounds 10 side bends/side 10 g’mornings 10 single leg strict t2b GET IT ✅ DONE #ABSTOBER 26 YES MON big up ‍6 rounds per side, slow with abs brace 25 yard walk: 1 arm farmers carry, heavy 1 arm waiters carry, light #ABSTOBER 27 12 sets, alternating sides ‍25 yard farmer/waiters walk farmer heavy, waiter light. MUSIC BY PRESSBOARD #ABSTOBER 28 5 rounds with a light object ‍20 straight leg sit ups 30 Russian twist 50 flutter kicks MUSIC BY PRESSBOARD #ABSTOBER 29 dang! 250 butterfly sit ups for time. Use a mat or towel to prevent sliding. ‍ RX+= 150 GHD sit ups for time. BE CAREFUL! #ABSTOBER 30 ohh yeaahhh BROTHERRRRR 3 rounds 30 Weighted Leg raises (hold med-ball or other object between ankles, raise until legs are straight, return) 30 Toe touches (lay on back, legs straight up, reach up and touch toes) 30 Side touch crunches (lay on back, legs bent, touch side of ankle, alternating) 30 second hollow hold #ABSTOBER 31 IS EVIL See video for full info! Pick and choose as you like, the most important part is that you get it done!  Ab routines are great, but Abs are made in the kitchen! Want more help with getting abs? Find out more about our nutrition program here: google Doc link for download: YOUTUBE LINK:
People are talking about their AMAZING Results!

People are talking about their AMAZING Results!


I am down 8 pounds and a size or two in clothes for sure. My stomach is flatter than ever and my ass looks amazing lol! No sugar equals no cellulite!
Robin M, Ft. Lauderdale

I lost 13 pounds, from 210 to 197. I have more energy, and need to sleep less!
Erik M, Miami

A new me… I’ve seen my body tone up in these past 30 days and thankful for Stirling Road CrossFIt for introducing to nutrition. Plans are to stick to the diet from here on out with a few cheat meals from time to time. Not to forget got my 1st muscle up…
Weigh in at beginning was 208. I did it today at the box and was at 195!!! 13 pounds lost in 30 days! #WorldsBestGym
-Neftali S., Hollywood

I can finally understand the meaning of abs come from the kitchen 🙂 great stuff!!!
-Gav K, Israel

The nutrition program reinforced good habits I have been trying to develop, my body composition changed and felt better during workouts. I think one thing I really liked was being able to kick milk/cheese, which I had never dropped.
-Juan B, Venezuala

I just feel better. My whole family got sick in the last 10 days…flu, strep, etc. I had a runny nose for a day, took a day off from the gym, and was back 2 days later. Normally, I would have been laid out for a week or more.
-Jackie, Bal Harbour


The nutrition program is a great way to do a full body cleanse & reset. It’s a huge eye opener to discover new foods and get creative to try new recipes. Since we started whole 30 I have seen great improvement, not just in the way I look, but in the workouts and reaching fitness goals. I realized I feel much better without certain foods. Definitely going to keep going!.
-Michal, Israel

The program resets how you eat. It helps identify how much extra stuff regular food puts into our bodies. Remove all the added sugar and I craved less and less each week. I also helped establish the right amount of meals through the day. Instead of randomly eating whatever was quick, each meal was more enjoyable and intentional. I certainly lost weight.
-Alex H, Fort Lauderdale

I feel more like myself again.
-Chad M, Michigan

Definitely a challenge.  I see food now in a different way. Cutting down sugar was hard, but I can say that it was the best thing. Not only did my body feel better, but my mind was sharper, I had better focus and better sleep. Everybody did so good, I’m proud of all my fellows, thank you for sharing your amazing recipes and for the support.
-Frances, Miami

I always knew that what I eat has a direct effect on my body composition but what I didn’t realize was as I have gotten older I have to pay attention to what I put into my body much more now even if I work out as much as I did in my 20’s. I have gotten stronger, thinner and feel much better and am sleeping better. I am significantly aware of what I eat and will continue to monitor my nutrition. Great 30 days. Can’t wait to weigh in tomorrow and see where I’m at.
-David D, Miami

Happy!!! I did it!!!! Happy because I feel great. Have more energy, sleep better, my skin looks good and my old clothes are staring to fit. A life change. Thank you for the nice recipes and support. It really helped seeing everyone committed. Pura Vida!
-Norma P, Costa Rica

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New forms, new flavors, new challenges, more energy without supplements!
We feel good inside and it is priceless, for everything else there’s MasterCard or trainers…
Better skin, more energy, pretty much always in a good mood, better performance at the gym, we enjoyed more our meals, and the new flavors that we acquired.
Status: Mission Accomplished!
-Christian & Laura, Miami

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This reminds me of the old days of group dieting at the gym . There was support, encouragement, and camaraderie. Thank you guys!
-Rochel K, Bal Harbour FL

I am lifting more than a month ago, getting more reps than a month ago, and making better
times than a month ago. Waking up has become easier, I am no longer sleepy after each meal, and when looking in the mirror everything appears a bit more toned than before. This means I am also smiling more than a month ago.
-Leon, Miami

I feel stronger and healthier overall. I’ll stick to the program as a lifestyle rather than something for 30 days… and occasionally enjoy the foods I love. I’m more conscious about the quality of foods I eat now and appreciate this experience with my fellow gym mates
Milay R, Miami

I hurt my back and couldn’t work out and compensated by eating all things bad for me. Finally after 5 months, with my back feeling better, I began the slow climb back to exercise and healthy eating. As Dan said, for me this was hitting reset. (Would’ve been totally clutch if I could rewind all the weight gain from the past months, but alas, reset was incredibly necessary.) Combining Whole 30 with getting back into the gym was definitely mutually beneficial. I’m back!
-Nancy A, Miami Beach

I got back my love of cooking  I feel stronger and look better!
Dmitry Z, Miami

For me it wasn’t a HUGE lifestyle change… but I wanted to be part of the experience of the team challenge. It was fun, I loved seeing everyone’s meals and recipes and getting to share a lot of my go-to recipes as well.
-Mirely M, Ft. Lauderdale

Going into this I didn’t know what to expect. The first week was the most challenging for me because It was a total life style change in many ways. I barely cooked for myself and now I don’t go a day without cooking. I also have a new appreciation for living healthier because I feel lighter, less bloated and I see tighter muscle definition with more energy. Due to this challenge I had more positive outlook on what a healthy life style looks and feels like. This is not a challenge for me anymore it is a life style. Thank you!
P.S. Cheers! I’m having a glass of wine at midnight. I deserve it!
-Kasia D, Miami

This was an interesting challenge for me. I personally saw results the second week. It wasn’t easy! But I have to admit, I feel lighter. I will definitely continue cooking and eating healthier, I started with 125, and I am happy to share the new results, 117!
-Vanessa, Miami

My motto was ” I can do any diet with Bacon!”(sugar free bacon that is). I will continue the program and slowly add back foods like oatmeal with bananas & no sugar. No more Diet Coke forever. Finally kicked sugar habit and I can taste the sweetness in fruits. I feel great and have more energy.
-Carmela J, Miami


I’m the same weight as day 1, but I can see the difference! More muscle and ABS!
-Luis, Miami Beach

7.7 pounds gone, memory and creativity enhanced, better skin, energy, sleep too!
-Sylvia, Miami