Prior to joining CrossFit, Tuyet’s demanding life left her feeling like there was no time to eat healthy, workout, or do any self-care. Tuyet joined CrossFit 305 through our 6 Week Challenge, one of our intensive programs that incorporates fitness, nutrition, and accountability.

Through hard work she found great success, losing 18 pounds but more importantly discovering hidden strengths and capabilities that have carried over to every area in her life.

You don’t have to choose between being healthy or meeting life’s demands. It’s possibly to have a successful, healthy, balanced life!

Ready to get started? Schedule a free 30 minute 1-on-1 session with one of our coaches.

Tuyet’s thoughts on our coaching…

What was your overall experience like with the 6 Week Challenge?

What comes to mind when I think about my overall experience with the 6 Week Challenge is the word EMPOWERING. I was really anxious about the challenge but knew it was time make some changes.

I struggled through the first workout of the day and left feeling utterly defeated. My accountability coach checked in with me the very next morning to see how things went and how I was feeling. That initial conversation helped spark a fire in me.

With the coaches’ constant emotional support and encouragement, I kept coming back and fought like crazy to get through every workout. I must say, the ways in which the coaches gave me support and encouragement was very motivating and enlightening.

The coaches were there for me but did not coddle me. Rather, they provided me with the space, opportunity, and responsibility to do the work. In other words, I get out what I put in and no one can do the work for me.

The challenge allowed me to discover and utilize hidden inner strength and capabilities that I never knew existed. This discovery has had a rippling effect through every aspect of my life, as this self-awareness increased my confidence and that, in turn, has given me the belief that I am ready and capable of taking on any challenge that comes my way. This difference truly made a difference and has opened up many more avenues of possibilities.


Pounds Lost


Body Fat Lost

The challenge allowed me to discover and utilize hidden inner strength and capabilities that I never knew existed.

What was your eating and fitness like prior to starting the challenge?

Prior to the 6 Week Challenge, I lived a very demanding, stressful, exhausting, and unbalanced lifestyle. As a mother, wife, practicing family therapist, and full-time PhD student, I had very little to no time for self-care, so I frequently ate meals that were convenient, which usually means unhealthy.

I did not exercise regularly since I often felt mentally and physically drained when I did have downtime. This rut resulted in me gaining excessive weight and feeling anxious, frustrated, and unhappy. I knew I needed to eat healthier and take better care of myself but I simply did not know how to get out of the rut I was in and perhaps I thought it would have been easier to just stay there.

What healthy habits have you gained from completing the challenge?

The 6 Week Challenge taught me to make better choices overall yet to be bold enough to take risks. The challenge required me to meal prep weekly and to stick to a specific nutrition plan. Through that, I learned how to strategically plan my grocery list, prepare tasteful meals, be consistent with workouts, and remain focused on reaching my personal goal. The weekly repetition allowed me to easily transition into living an overall healthier, happier, and more balanced lifestyle.

I’ve noticed that I am more intentional with what I put into my body and how I treat it (learning and listening to my body); I reach more for the healthier foods and/or say no to foods I know would upset my stomach or make me sluggish. Before the challenge, I would have been too scared, embarrassed, or self-conscious to even try something challenging because of self-doubt. In time, I’ve also noticed myself taking more chances outside and inside the gym.

I have done many things that I have never done or dared to do before and without much hesitation because the inner voice that used to tell me I couldn’t do something has subsided drastically. With continued attempts and practice, I’ve overcome many mental roadblocks and gained mental, emotional, and physical strength and stamina. My busy schedule remains the same but taking better care of myself has helped me to juggle everything while feeling happier and more fulfilled. For that, I will forever be grateful.

What’s your proudest accomplishment or something you were surprised you were able to do?

This is a great question. I truly feel like I’ve accomplished so many things so far.

As I reflect on my journey and add up all the individual things I have been able to achieve, I see the bigger picture and that is a better version on myself, which was the motivating goal that pushed me to sign-up for the challenge in the first place. I have grown into a person I feel proud of and this has given me a boost in self-confidence to show myself to the world. I feel much stronger and braver.

Something that actually surprised me was a workout of the day that consisted of handstands. For those that had never done one before, it was scaled where we could bring ourselves to a handstand with our feet leaning against the wall. I was terrified to attempt it since all I could think of was my arms buckling resulting in me falling and busting my face. Everyone, one by one, attempted it. Some succeeded on the first try and others succeeded after a few attempts. Then the moment of truth came; it was my turn. The coach leading the class signaled me to go. I let out a big squeal and went for it. I nailed it on the first try and held myself up for the entire time –20 seconds! We did it four more times and I went up on every try. This may be small for others but that was a very proud and invigorating experience for me. Next, I take on the rope climb and my first pull-up.

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In October we ran our wildly successful Abstober daily abs program for our members. Now we've compiled every sit up, every V up, every plank, every farmer's carry...every last rep, over 31 days, into one super handy guide. And we're giving it to you for FREE. Follow along with these do-anywhere, infinitely scabale workouts to build a strong core with skulpted abs. Doable for any ability, video demos included.

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