Alex Harris says he’s an artist and tends to be very introverted. You wouldn’t know it by his current profession.
“I ‘m a paid public speaker” he says. ” I do web design and eCommerce and I’ve written two books on the subject.”
Alex wanted to try CrossFit but there wasn’t a convenient location. “My brother has been doing it for a while, then SRCF opened so I signed up to get back in shape.”
“I had my own business from 2011-2016 and I didn’t have health insurance. I did nothing for 5 years, just worked at my home office desk. I stepped on the scale and I was the heaviest I’ve ever been 1987. I was scared because my endurance was terrible and my diet was even worse. I knew I’d enjoy CrossFit. It reminded me of high school wrestling practice. I remember the pain of pushing past your limits. I liked the variety of CrossFit versus a traditional gym.”

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