CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)


1 Minute Jog in place

20 Walking Knees to Chest, in place

20 Walking Quad Stretch, in place

20 Lunges

20 Toy Soldiers

1 Minute Jog in place (high knees on coach command)


10 Air Squats

10 Up Downs

10 Side Lunges/Cossack Squats

5 Good Mornings

5 Burpees


The Abdominal Enchilada Sandwich (AMRAP – Reps)


5 minute AMRAP

10 Burpees w/ High Jump

20 Straight Leg Sit Ups*

30 Plank Knee to Elbows

40 Flutter Kicks

Then in remaining time…

Max Wall Balls or Thrusters or

Box Jumps or Step Ups or Air Squats

(Score is Total Reps of last movement, or just go hard!)

Touch the ceiling/sky/top of bunker on burpees!

Add weight to the sit ups if you like. Plank K2E is on a 1 count, as are flutter kicks.

If you’d like to make this more difficult and want to do more abs, use a 2 count.

Cool down

Warm-up (No Measure)

Stretch n Abs

:45 Quad or Couch Stretch per side

:45 Plank

:45 8 Point Shoulder Stretch per side

:45 Hollow Hold

:45 Lizard per side