CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Uptempo hip hop with a pinch of dance hall and rock
3 rounds
10 touch and reach
10 windmills
10 hug yourselves
10 straight leg sit ups
10 squats
Static-O-Matic (No Measure)
4 rounds EMOM with a 50:10 Clock
Min 1: Wall Sit
Min 2: Handstand or pike or plank hold
Min 3: Vacuum Hold
Min 4: Goblet or Overhead Squat Hold
Min 5: Hollow Hold
Welcome to Isometric Land!
Today we will focus on static holds and positional integrity.
These holds build strength in position, making force in dynamic movement easier and better!
For the wall sit, sit to parallel with your back on a wall. Add weight by holding onto any object
For the handstand, pike or plank please feel free to mix & match
For the vacuum continue to breath but hold position. This is one of the most underused movements for building the “V” shape of your torso. It really, really works if applied regularly.
For the squat hold, use PVC, barbell, broom, single arm DB or KB, etc
For hollow hold, modify with one leg, etc
Stress Buster Minute (AMRAP – Reps)
1 Minute MAX Mountain Climbers, burpees or star jumps. Go for it here! Get A TON of reps! Blow off some steam
Do this right after the last hollow hold. No rest – straight in to it !
I’m Totally Doing Mobility in 2020 (No Measure)
1 minute per side Couch
1 minute per side Pigeon
1 Minute per side 8 point shoulder or standing pec stretch